
Robert Scholte updated MRELEASE-757:

If for an obscure but uncontrolable reason I hava a pom named anything else 
then {{pom.xml}}, like {{pom2.xml}}, the following command don't work :

{{mvn -f pom2.xml release:prepare release:perform}}

the prepare phase works well. But the perform have this error : the deploy 
command launched on the checked out code (in the target folder) run with 
pom.xml... I fixed it with the following code change :
{code:title=RunPerformGoalsPhase.java, line 71}
        // ensure we don't use the release pom for the perform goals
        if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( additionalArguments ) )
            additionalArguments = additionalArguments + " -f pom.xml";
            additionalArguments = "-f pom.xml";
with :
        // ensure we don't use the release pom for the perform goals
        if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( additionalArguments ) )
            additionalArguments = additionalArguments + " -f " + pomFileName;
            additionalArguments = "-f " + pomFileName;

If for an obscure but uncontrolable reason I hava a pom named anything else 
then pom.xml, like pom2.xml, the following command don't work :

mvn -f pom2.xml release:prepare release:perform

the prepare phase works well. But the perform have this error : the deploy 
command launched on the checked out code (in the target folder) run with 
pom.xml... I fixed it with the following code change :

RunPerformGoalsPhase.java, line 71 :

        // ensure we don't use the release pom for the perform goals
        if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( additionalArguments ) )
            additionalArguments = additionalArguments + " -f pom.xml";
            additionalArguments = "-f pom.xml";

with :

        // ensure we don't use the release pom for the perform goals
        if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( additionalArguments ) )
            additionalArguments = additionalArguments + " -f " + pomFileName;
            additionalArguments = "-f " + pomFileName;

      Patch Submitted:   (was: Yes)
    Affects Version/s: 2.3
> cannot perform a release with another pom then pom.xml
> ------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-757
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-757
>             Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: perform
>    Affects Versions: 2.3
>            Reporter: Emmanuel Potvin
> If for an obscure but uncontrolable reason I hava a pom named anything else 
> then {{pom.xml}}, like {{pom2.xml}}, the following command don't work :
> {{mvn -f pom2.xml release:prepare release:perform}}
> the prepare phase works well. But the perform have this error : the deploy 
> command launched on the checked out code (in the target folder) run with 
> pom.xml... I fixed it with the following code change :
> {code:title=RunPerformGoalsPhase.java, line 71}
>         // ensure we don't use the release pom for the perform goals
>         if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( additionalArguments ) )
>         {
>             additionalArguments = additionalArguments + " -f pom.xml";
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             additionalArguments = "-f pom.xml";
>         }
> {code}
> with :
> {code}
>         // ensure we don't use the release pom for the perform goals
>         if ( !StringUtils.isEmpty( additionalArguments ) )
>         {
>             additionalArguments = additionalArguments + " -f " + pomFileName;
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             additionalArguments = "-f " + pomFileName;
>         }
> {code}

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