
Vincent Latombe edited comment on MSITE-604 at 4/22/12 7:09 AM:

It seems like in Doxia's DefaultSiteTool#getParentProject the returned project 
isn't interpolated. In Maven 3, MNG-1943 is actually fixed so this method could 
return directly the result from MavenProject#getParent and it would solve this 
issue, at least in Maven 3 context.
      was (Author: vlatombe):
    It seems like in Doxia's DefaultSite#getParentProject the returned project 
isn't interpolated. In Maven 3, MNG-1943 is actually fixed so this method could 
return directly the result from MavenProject#getParent and it would solve this 
issue, at least in Maven 3 context.
> Properties from settings.xml are not recognized in site distribution 
> management 
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSITE-604
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSITE-604
>             Project: Maven 2.x and 3.x Site Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: site:deploy
>    Affects Versions: 3.0
>         Environment: Apache Maven 2.2.1 and 3.0.3
>            Reporter: Marcin Kuthan
>             Fix For: 3.1
>         Attachments: MSITE-604.tgz
> My distribution management section looks like:
> {code}
> <distributionManagement>
>    <site>
>        <id>${acme-corporate-pom.siteRepositoryId}</id>
>        <url>${acme-corporate-pom.siteRepositoryUrl}</url>
>    </site>
> </distributionManagement>
> {code}
> Where the default property values are defined in the pom:
> {code}
> <properties>
> <acme-corporate-pom.siteRepositoryId>acme-site</acme-corporate-pom.siteRepositoryId>
> <acme-corporate-pom.siteRepositoryUrl>scp://sites.intranet.acme.com/var/www</acme-corporate-pom.siteRepositoryUrl>
> </properties>
> {code}
> I'm able redefine properties from command line, the provided repository is 
> used instead default one:
> {code}
> mvn site:site site:deploy 
> -Dacme-corporate-pom.siteRepositoryUrl=scp://somehost/var/www/sites 
> -Dacme-corporate-pom.siteRepositoryId=somehost
> {code}
> But when I redefine properties in the profile in {{settings.xml}}, they are 
> ignored. The profile is activated in {{<activeProfiles}} element. 
> It looks, than only m-site-p ignores properties defined in the 
> {{settings.xml}} file. m-deploy-p recognizes properties as I expected 
> (distribution management section for articats deployment is configured in 
> similar way to site deployment). 
> --
> Marcin Kuthan
> Maven For Enterprise - http://code.google.com/p/m4enterprise/

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