
Dennis Lundberg updated DOXIA-457:

    Affects Version/s:     (was: 1.3)
> Upgrade Doxia's checkstyle to version 5.x, and make it immediately useable 
> within IDEs
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: DOXIA-457
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/DOXIA-457
>             Project: Maven Doxia
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 1.2
>            Reporter: Lennart Jörelid
>         Attachments: doxia_checkstyle_5.xml
> The src/main/resources/config/doxia_checkstyle.xml document is tailored for 
> checkstyle version 4.x.
> Some incompatible alterations were done in the upgrade from checkstyle 
> version 4 to 5
> (refer to http://checkstyle.sourceforge.net/releasenotes.html for changes), 
> implying that anyone
> running IDEs or by other means running checkstyle version 5+ will crash and 
> burn.
> Moreover, the checkstyle document really ought to be directly usable within 
> an IDE - or we should provide
> some documentation on what needs to be done to make it run within IDEs. (More 
> specifically, which properties
> should be defined within the IDE and which values they should have). In 
> particular, the RegexpHeader
> {code:xml}
> <module name="RegexpHeader">
>         <property name="headerFile" value="${checkstyle.header.file}"/>
> </module>
> {code}
> ... requires a property value, referring to a file not present within the 
> doxia
> VCS tree. We should really make maven download the jar containing the header 
> file template,
> and expand it. This would facilitate its proper use within IDEs.
> I'll attach a raw, initial attempt at a checkstyle 5.x-compliant version of 
> the doxia_checkstyle.xml

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