
Dennis Lundberg moved DOXIA-380 to DOXIASITETOOLS-68:

    Component/s:     (was: Site Renderer)
                 Site renderer
            Key: DOXIASITETOOLS-68  (was: DOXIA-380)
        Project: Maven Doxia Sitetools  (was: Maven Doxia)
> Use of #include in APT page causes NullPointerException during page rendering
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: DOXIASITETOOLS-68
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/DOXIASITETOOLS-68
>             Project: Maven Doxia Sitetools
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Site renderer
>         Environment: maven 2.2.1
>            Reporter: Alan Alberghini
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: apt-include.log, VelocityTest.tar.gz
> In the last 2 days I tried to get this thing working.
> The situation is the following: I'm working on a maven site project and, for 
> some pages, I'm currently using the APT format.
> I'd really like to be able to include existing APT pages inside an APT page, 
> in order to make the collaboration between the 4 members of the project much 
> easier and smoother.
> To give an idea, I'd like to do this:
> merged-page.apt:
> {noformat}  ---
>   Title
>   ---
>   ---
>   ---
>   Develeper 1 proposal:
>   <include page 1>
>   Developer 2 proposal:
>   <include page 2>
>   etc.{noformat}
> At first, I tried using the %snippet DOXIA macro, but the included APT page 
> would not be rendered to HTML even setting verbatim=false.
> Then, I tried the #include macro from Velocity. I renamed my APT file to 
> filename.apt.vm in order to trigger the Velocity processor on it and put the 
> #include line in the file, but, whenever I launch maven site I keep getting 
> this error:
> and the page is not generated.
> Is there a way to fix this?

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