Guangtai Liang created MVERIFIER-12:

             Summary: An incomplete fix for the resource leak bugs in
                 Key: MVERIFIER-12
             Project: Maven 2.x Verifier Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 1.4
            Reporter: Guangtai Liang
            Priority: Critical

The fix revision 1134539 was aimed to remove resource leak bugs on the 
BufferedReader  object "reader"(created in line 421) in the method 
"loadFile()", the BufferedReader object "reader" (created in line 1538) of the 
 , but it is incomplete. 

There are some problems: 
1. when "reader" is not created successfully at line 427 but the temp 
FileReader object is created successfully at line 427,the temp FileReader 
object will be leaked. 
2. when "reader" is not created successfully at line 1541 but the temp 
FileReader object is created successfully at line 1541,the temp FileReader 
object will be leaked. 

The best way to close such resource objects is putting such close operations 
for all resource objects in the finaly block of a try-catch-finally structure.

The problem still exists in the head revision. The buggy code is copied as 
bellows (the temp objects created at line 427 and 1541 needs to be closed in 
the finally clause): 

  416 public List loadFile( File file, boolean hasCommand )
        throws VerificationException
        List lines = new ArrayList();

        BufferedReader reader = null;

        if ( file.exists() )
 427               reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( file ) );

                String line = reader.readLine();

                while ( line != null )
                    line = line.trim();

                    if ( !line.startsWith( "#" ) && line.length() != 0 )
                        lines.addAll( replaceArtifacts( line, hasCommand ) );
                    line = reader.readLine();

            catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
                throw new VerificationException( e );
            catch ( IOException e )
                throw new VerificationException( e );
 454              IOUtil.close( reader );

        return lines;

 1535 private void displayLogFile()
        System.out.println( "Log file contents:" );
        BufferedReader reader = null;
 1541           reader = new BufferedReader( new FileReader( new File( 
getBasedir(), getLogFileName

() ) ) );
            String line = reader.readLine();
            while ( line != null )
                System.out.println( line );
                line = reader.readLine();
        catch ( FileNotFoundException e )
            System.err.println( "Error: " + e );
        catch ( IOException e )
            System.err.println( "Error: " + e );
 1560           IOUtil.close( reader );

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