Provide ability to generate a submodule without parent declaration
                 Key: ARCHETYPE-393
             Project: Maven Archetype
          Issue Type: Improvement
    Affects Versions: 2.1
            Reporter: cdorot

My use case deals about a multi modules projects having the following structure 
+ ${project-reactor}
  + ${project-module1}
  + ${project-module2}
  + ...
  + ${project-bom}
  + ${project-parent}

Each of the submodule's pom.xml (inside ${project-module1}, ${project-module2}) 
which will be defined later, will have a parent declaration referring to 

As mentioned in ARCHETYPE-110, the current implementation overwrites parent 
information if there are no existing parent definition inside the body of the 
pom.xml. So if we don't want such declaration we haven't no alternatives.

It could be great if we have a way to have choice for each module to have or 
NOT the parent information.
This could be done in : 
* /src/main/resources/META-INF/maven/archetype-metadata.xml (add a 
"generate-parent-declaration" for the "module" tag)
* add a meta-information in the pom.xml such as <!-- @@NOPARENT @@ -->

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