
Olivier Lamy moved MNG-5190 to MNGSITE-145:

     Complexity:   (was: Intermediate)
    Component/s:     (was: Documentation: Guides)
            Key: MNGSITE-145  (was: MNG-5190)
        Project: Maven Project Web Site  (was: Maven 2 & 3)

> "Guide to Coping with Sun JARs" has obsolete recommendations
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNGSITE-145
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNGSITE-145
>             Project: Maven Project Web Site
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Jesse Glick
> http://maven.apache.org/guides/mini/guide-coping-with-sun-jars.html has a 
> section beginning "Note: Java.net provides a Maven 2 repository" which is 
> obsolete, since these artifacts are now in Central.
> The whole page is suspect and should perhaps be removed; at least some of the 
> mentioned artifacts are available in Central.

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