
Stephen Connolly commented on MDEPLOY-131:

I am -1 on the currently attached patch for the following reason

It mandates that the deploy:deploy-file be run in a directory that has a pom.xml

There are a lot of people who use deploy:deploy-file to get their non-maven 
projects deployed to maven repositories. These people may not have a pom.xml 
(and while I agree that they _should_ they are currently not required to do 
so), or they may not call the pom file pom.xml rather someartifact.pom

For that reason I am against the currently attached patch.

A patch which has test cases and does not require the user to do

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=someartifact.jar -DpomFile=someartifact.pom -f 

but instead lets them do

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=someartifact.jar -DpomFile=someartifact.pom

rather than the current 

mvn deploy:deploy-file -Dfile=someartifact.jar -DpomFile=someartifact.pom 

if someartifact.pom contains the deployment url

would seem like a good improvement

> use default repository when no url specified
> --------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MDEPLOY-131
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEPLOY-131
>             Project: Maven 2.x Deploy Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: deploy:deploy-file
>            Reporter: raymond domingo
>              Labels: contributers-welcome
>         Attachments: DeployFileMojo.java, patch_deploy_file_mojo.diff
> When using the deploy goal there is no need to specify the url of the 
> repository.
> When using deploy-file you DO need to specify the url. This is a problem, 
> because during development I like to deploy to snapshot repository and when 
> releasing i deploy to release repository and I can't add this logic to the 
> pom.
> Thas is why I like the url paramter to become optional (backwards compatible) 
> and add default behaviour when it is null. It should just like the deploy 
> plugin use the default repository. Snapshot for snapshots and release for 
> none snapshot versions.
> I added a patch file fixing this.
> I also added complete source of patched Mojo

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