
Thorsten Gawantka updated MRELEASE-624:

    Attachment: GitScmProviderRepository.patch

Hi, the problem is not realy in the release plugin.

The issue comes from URL-Parsing in the maven-scm-provider for git.

I have created a patch for this issue, can anyone review this patch and apply 
it? Thank you.

> Performing a release with localCheckout fail on Windows
> -------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-624
>                 URL: https://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-624
>             Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: perform
>    Affects Versions: 2.1
>         Environment: Windows Vista, msysgit, Maven 3.0.0
>            Reporter: Daniel Spilker
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: GitScmProviderRepository.patch
> When trying to perform a release on a Windows machine with localCheckout set 
> to true, I get the following error message. The path 
> 'C:\Users\daspilker\workspaces\myproject' is a git repository.
> {code}
> [ERROR] Failed to execute goal 
> org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-release-plugin:2.1:perform (default-cli) on 
> project warp:
> Unable to checkout from SCM
> [ERROR] Provider message:
> [ERROR] The git-clone command failed.
> [ERROR] Command output:
> [ERROR] fatal: 'C\Users\daspilker\workspaces\myproject' does not appear to be 
> a git repository
> [ERROR] fatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly
> [ERROR] -> [Help 1]
> [ERROR] To see the full stack trace of the errors, re-run Maven with the -e 
> switch.
> [ERROR] Re-run Maven using the -X switch to enable full debug logging.
> [ERROR] For more information about the errors and possible solutions, please 
> read the following articles:
> [ERROR] [Help 1] 
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/MAVEN/MojoFailureException
> [ERROR] After correcting the problems, you can resume the build with the 
> command
> [ERROR]   mvn <goals> -rf :myproject
> {code}

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