Maven End Users should be able to control the execution order of plugins 
without creating a custom Lifecycle and Package Type

                 Key: MNG-5090
             Project: Maven 2 & 3
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Plugins and Lifecycle
    Affects Versions: 3.0.3
            Reporter: Graham Lea

As [confirmed by Benjamin 
 Maven end users are currently limited in the control they have over the 
execution order of plugins bound to the same build phase unless they author 
their own custom Lifecycle and use a custom Package Type.

While Maven is intended to be declarative rather than procedural and to do most 
of its work based on sensible defaults, it is a basic requirement of any build 
system to allow the end user to control the order in which actions occur and to 
do so with a minimum of effort.

It should be possible to configure a plugin, simply and entirely within the 
POM, such that it will execute before, or even between, plugins defined by the 
lifecycle mappings.

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