Obey generics in plugin collection parameters when populating them ------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MNG-5028 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-5028 Project: Maven 2 & 3 Issue Type: Improvement Components: Plugin Requests Reporter: Benjamin Bentmann Priority: Minor Right now, when determining the target type for a collection item to convert POM configuration to, Maven/Plexus uses some heuristics based on the XML element name and the mojo package name and eventually falls back to {{String}}. The current approach requires plugin authors to either put their parameter bean classes into the same package as the mojo or requires users to explicitly use the {{implementation}} attribute in the POM. These troubles can be avoided if Maven would recognize the generic type of a parameter declaration {{List<Bean>}}, thereby aligning collections with arrays regarding the ease of configuration/use. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: http://jira.codehaus.org/secure/Administrators.jspa - For more information on JIRA, see: http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira