
Dennis Lundberg closed MRESOURCES-112.

    Resolution: Duplicate

> Default delimiters break filtering
> ----------------------------------
>                 Key: MRESOURCES-112
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRESOURCES-112
>             Project: Maven 2.x Resources Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.4.1
>         Environment: Maven 2.2.1
> Windows XP
>            Reporter: Pedro De Almeida
> As I upgraded the maven-resources-plugin to version 2.4.1 (version 2.3 has a 
> major issue concerning windows paths, see 
> [http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRESOURCES-81]), I'm facing another problem 
> with default filtering delimiters.
> If one of the resources contains a delimiter character that is not part of an 
> expandable expression, then all of the following expandable expressions after 
> the character will not be processed.
> You can reproduce this using a resource property file that contains the 
> default '@' character delimiter:
> {code:title=src/main/resources/test.properties|borderStyle=solid}
> Contact: ${pom.na...@mycompany.com
> URL: ${pom.url}
> Version: ${pom.version}
> {code}
> Processing the project resources with Maven will produce:
> {code:title=target/classes/test.properties|borderStyle=solid}
> Contact: my...@myorganization.com
> URL: ${pom.url}
> Version: ${pom.version}
> {code}
> If the '@' delimiter character is removed, then it produces a correct output:
> {code:title=target/classes/test.properties|borderStyle=solid}
> Contact: myappmycompany.com
> URL: http://maven.apache.org
> Version: 1.0
> {code}
> I tried to configure the plugin but it seems that I'm not able to 
> redefine/disable/remove the default delimiters.
> This bug was not present in version 2.3 but, as said before, this version has 
> know bugs with windows paths (even if I hope that in future releases, my 
> application will no more reference windows paths...).
> Thanks for your support!

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