
Cole Mickens updated MDEP-273:

    Attachment: analyze-dep-versions-1.patch

Same as before, svn update, svn add --force *, svn diff > 

Hopefully this is acceptable or at the very least closer to being acceptable.

(This patch includes the original patch as well, in addition to the 
documentation updates)

> Analyze Dependency Versions Mojo
> --------------------------------
>                 Key: MDEP-273
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEP-273
>             Project: Maven 2.x Dependency Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 2.2
>            Reporter: Cole Mickens
>            Assignee: Brian Fox
>         Attachments: analyze-dep-versions-1.patch, 
> analyze-dep-versions.patch, core.PNG, script-ant.PNG
> This is a patch that adds a new mojo and a report class to 
> maven-dependency-plugin trunk (2.2). The goal 
> `dependency:analyze-dep-versions` lists dependencies that are either resolved 
> at a lower version than needed by a dependency farther from the project root 
> or are being overridden by the dependencyManagement section. In some sense it 
> is complimentary to `dependency:analyze-dep-mgt`.
> I checked out trunk today, added my new files, `svn add`ed them, then 
> performed an `svn diff`. The patches applied correctly with a rechecked out 
> copy of trunk with `cd apache-maven-dependency-plugin; patch -p0 < 
> ../analyze-dep-versions.patch`. After patching, it built, installed and 
> passed IT tests (including the 6 new ones that I've added) properly.

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