
Max Andersen commented on SUREFIRE-184:

Just want to comment that I bumped into the exact same issue converting my ant 
based build for hibernate tools into a maven one.

Part of the tests are to verify that the ant tasks in hiberante tools work and 
because of this forced set of "basedir" it makes Ant behave differently/wrong 
when launched from within surefire driven tests.

I don't know why "basedir" is being set but did find a "decent" workaround for 
configureProject(..) of BuildFileTestCase.java:

 project.setProperty("basedir", antfile.getParentFile().getAbsolutePath()); 

Where antfile is the location of the build file you are testing.
That ensures that its consistent with when no basedir are set.

Downside is though that it also overrides any specific basedir set in the 
build.xml which is a shame.

Anyway, just adding that for prosperity and here is my +1 to somehow isolate 
that "basedir" property set by surefire so its not "leaking" into the actual 

> [PATCH] make the basedir system property optional
> -------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-184
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-184
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>         Environment: tested on Win2K with cygwin and JDK1.5, but this is 
> indifferent.
>            Reporter: Antoine Levy-Lambert
>             Fix For: Backlog
>         Attachments: patch.txt
> I wanted to run the ant testcases using the maven-surefire-plugin (I actually 
> built all the ant jars using maven).
> The problem is that the plugin sets a system property basedir that ant cannot 
> override. Since the BuildFileTest s are heavily dependent upon this property 
> that ant normally sets to be the directory of the build file, most tests fail 
> ...
> Here a patch adding the possibility not to set the basedir by setting a 
> configuration attribute omitbasedir to true. 
> The pom.xml of maven-surefile-plugin was also missing a dependency to 
> surefire-api (or at least I needed to add this to build properly).
> Regards,
> Antoine

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