
Lincoln Baxter, III commented on MNG-4810:

BTW - it probably goes without saying that this was not an issue in Maven 3 
Beta 2 :)

> Maven cannot build if loaded in a classloader that is not backed by a real 
> JAR file / classpath
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-4810
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-4810
>             Project: Maven 2 & 3
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Class Loading
>    Affects Versions: 3.0-beta-3
>         Environment: Mac OSX & Linux, Java 1.6, Maven 3 beta 3
>            Reporter: Lincoln Baxter, III
>         Attachments: arquillian-maven-bug.tar.gz
> Maven fails to find required class files (resulting in null pointer 
> exceptions) because the ClassLoader implementation in which it was loaded 
> does not meet maven's assumptions of what type of information a ClassLoader 
> URL should return.
> (From another perspective, that ClassLoader does not behave like a normal 
> ClassLoader, but maven should probably not be contstrained to classloaders 
> that provide their information as if they were backed by a JAR file; not all 
> classloaders are going to use those semantics, as provided in this example, 
> when the URLClassSpace instance loaded by the DefaultPlexusContainer attempts 
> to read the "/MANIFEST.ML" out of a non-jar-based classloader.
> Please run example tests in attached project.
> I attempted to patch this by ignoring exceptions when attempting to pull 
> manifests, but it appears that maven uses those manifests to populate some 
> kind of bean container (I'm guessing guice which is abstracted via a plexus 
> facade.)
> Then I attempted to modify the URLClassLoader instance in which the 
> application was actually running, in order to provide a manifest, but it 
> appears that maven is still just processing "Class-Path" elements and 
> attempting to source those files directly, which might not work (but I had 
> trouble getting this to work, so it may just have been something I was doing 
> wrong.)
> If I knew more about why maven was trying to use the classloader in this way, 
> I might be able to give more insightful thought into the nature/potential 
> solutions of/for this issue. I do know that maven is making some assumptions 
> about how the internals of classloaders are working, here in URLClassSpace:
> `
>     private static String[] getClassPathEntries( final URL url )
>         throws IOException
>     {
>         final URL manifestURL;
>         if ( url.getPath().endsWith( "/" ) )
>         {
>             manifestURL = new URL( url, MANIFEST_ENTRY );
>         }
>         else
>         {
>             manifestURL = new URL( "jar:" + url + "!/" + MANIFEST_ENTRY );
>         }
>         final InputStream in = manifestURL.openStream();
>         try
>         {
>             final String classPath = new Manifest( in 
> ).getMainAttributes().getValue( "Class-Path" );
>             return null != classPath ? classPath.split( " " ) : NO_ENTRIES;
>         }
>         finally
>         {
>             in.close();
>         }
>     }
> `
> I hope I have provided enough information, and that the attached test-case 
> provides useful.
> Just run the attached project via 'mvn test' or 'mvn package' and you'll see 
> the issue.
> Thanks.

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