
Michael Wenig updated MRELEASE-591:

    Attachment: MRELEASE-591.patch

Attached is a patch which provides this functionality.

Without further configuration the plugin behaves as before. To activate the 
checkin set commitToScm=true (either on commandline or plugin configuration)

> release:update-versions: add option to do a checkin
> ---------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-591
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-591
>             Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>    Affects Versions: 2.0
>         Environment: Maven 2.2.1, Release-Plugin 2.0
>            Reporter: Michael Wenig
>         Attachments: MRELEASE-591.patch
> Currently release:update-versions only modifies the poms locally. 
> We want to run this on our hudson and expected the goal to change the version 
> AND do a checkin. Unfortunately it does not...
> This is also unexpected as the documentation defines a scnCommentPrefix 
> (which is not used here):
> http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-release-plugin/update-versions-mojo.html
> I would suggest a boolean-parameter 'commitChanges' which does a checkin so 
> the functionality is like release:branch without creating a branch

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