Version ranges cannot be resolved against mirror if a local artifact is present -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MNG-4755 URL: Project: Maven 2 & 3 Issue Type: Bug Components: Artifacts and Repositories Affects Versions: 3.0-beta-1 Reporter: Vincent Latombe Attachments: See the attached test case : 1. * Files located inside tobedeployed have to be deployed to a remote repository. * This remote repository must be declared as mirror in your settings.xml. * a:1 will be available in the mirror 2. * run "mvn clean install" inside tobeinstalled * it will install a:2 to local repository * b:1 will fail complaining it cannot find a:1 even though it is on the mirror 3. * Clean your local repository com/mycompany/app/a * run "mvn clean install" inside tobeinstalled/b * b:1 will retrieve a:1 from mirror and compile correctly Note that this works correctly with 2.2.1, 3.0-alpha-7. It breaks with beta-1 and upcoming beta-2. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: