
Ivan Bovkush commented on MSANDBOX-24:


> Extended maven-nunit-plugin to support systemProperties configuration
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MSANDBOX-24
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MSANDBOX-24
>             Project: Maven 2.x Sandbox
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>         Environment: Windows XP
>            Reporter: James Carpenter
>            Assignee: Brett Porter
>         Attachments: maven-nunit-plugin-1.3.1.jpm-sources.jar
> h3. Summary
> I have extended the maven-nunit-plugin to support the use of 
> systemProperties.  Unfortunately, as I am working from an in-house copy I 
> can't easily make a patch file for you.
> h3. Significant Changes
> 1) Addition of new Properties class.
> 2) Several small changes within the NUnitEnvironment and NUnitMojo classes.
> 3) Upgrading org.codehaus.plexus:plexus-utils from version 1.0.4 to version 
> 1.1  (necessary to gain some enhancements to the plexus Commandline class)
> h3. Unrelated Changes
> 1) Somewhat different POM inheritance since I'm using an in-house version.  
> If you take the changes above, everything should work out.
> h3. Motivation
> By combining this change to the maven-nunit-plugin with my change to the 
> maven-exec-plugin (See [MEXEC-4|http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MEXEC-4]) its 
> possible to create a cross-language integration test.
> My C# based NUnit test can use the .NET Process class to execute "mvn 
> exec:java" as part of a \[TestFrameworkSetUp\] annotated method in an nunit 
> test.  The exec:java goal within the C# code's POM just so happens to start 
> up a java based server.  (I actually have a little C# utility class to make 
> this easy.)  The nunit test methods can then perform integration tests 
> requiring communication with the java server process.  Upon completion of the 
> tests a \[TestFrameworkTearDown\] annotated method in the nunit test can shut 
> down the server process.
> h3. Example POM Snipt
> {noformat}
>            <plugin>
>                 <groupId>org.apache.maven.plugins</groupId>
>                 <artifactId>maven-nunit-plugin</artifactId>
>                 <version>1.3.1.jpm</version>
>                 <configuration>
> <!--<inheritSystemProperties>true</inheritSystemProperties>-->
>                     <systemProperties>
>                         <systemProperty>
>                             <key>basedir</key>
>                             <value>${basedir}</value>
>                         </systemProperty>
>                     </systemProperties>
>                 </configuration>
>                 <!-- configuration>
>                 <configFile>src/main/resources/App.config</configFile>
>               </configuration -->
>             </plugin>
> {noformat}

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