
Brett Porter updated MNG-4552:

    Fix Version/s: 2.2.2

ok, sorry for all the issue moves. This is a Maven issue - the wagon correctly 
handles the username@ element, and the deployment works in Maven 3.0-alpha-5.

However, in Maven 2.2.x, it appears the authentication configuration is 
overriding it with the default username.

You can workaround this by adding a <server> element in settings.xml.

We can look if this is an easy fix for 2.2.2, otherwise it's likely to be 
closed since it already works in 3.0-alpha.

> username part of scpexe URLs is ignored
> ---------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-4552
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-4552
>             Project: Maven 2 & 3
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Artifacts and Repositories
>    Affects Versions: 2.2.1
>         Environment: Ubuntu 9.10 x64, Maven 2.2.1
>            Reporter: Christoph Lechleitner
>             Fix For: 2.2.2
>         Attachments: mvn_deploy.log, mvn_deploy.log, mvn_release_perform.log, 
> mvn_release_perform.log, mvn_release_prepare.log, pom.xml, pom.xml, 
> pom.xml.releaseBackup, release.properties
> Just like in WAGON-153 some 2 years ago, the current release plugin 
> (2.0-beta-8) ignores the user@ part of scpexe: URLs.
> Per-server settings in ~/.m2/settings.xml are respected.
> But with our (clazzes.org) setup using one unix user per project, granting 
> developer access through those users' ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file, this bug 
> forces us to create a unix account for every releasing developmer and to put 
> that in any project's unix group. This hack becomes impossible once there are 
> 2 different developers using equal user names (on their local development 
> machines).
> We'd appreciate if this bug could be fixed (again).

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