
Benjamin Bentmann closed MNG-4514.

    Resolution: Not A Bug
      Assignee: Benjamin Bentmann

This is a bug in the plexus-resources component (cf. 
 not Maven. Calling {{ClassLoader.getResource()}} when the resource name has a 
leading slash only works in Maven 2.x due to buggy/non-standard classloaders of 
ClassWorlds. Try this with a regular URLClassLoader and see it fail.

> Loading resource from plugin dependency using Plexus ResourceManager fails 
> with leading slash
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-4514
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-4514
>             Project: Maven 2 & 3
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Class Loading, Dependencies, Plugins and Lifecycle
>    Affects Versions: 3.0-alpha-5
>            Reporter: Peter Lynch
>            Assignee: Benjamin Bentmann
>         Attachments: mng-4514-IT.zip
> When a maven plugin tries to load a resource(file) from a plugin dependency 
> defined in a project pom file and the path to that resource begins with 
> 'slash' / then the resource is not found. The code uses the Plexus 
> ResourceManagers
> Example code that works in 2.2.1 and earlier and fails in Maven 3.0-alpha-5. 
> If resource is in root of jar and configFile begins with forward slash then 
> we get ResourceNotFoundException.
> {code:java}
>  /**
>      * ResourceManager for getting a resource from a dependency jar
>      *
>      * @component
>      * @required
>      * @readonly
>      */
>     private ResourceManager locator;
> ...
> protected void loadResource(String configFile) throws
>             ResourceNotFoundException
>     {
>         InputStream inStream = null;
>         if (configFile != null)
>         {
>             try
>             {
>                 inStream =
>                         locator.getResourceAsInputStream(configFile);
>             } finally
>             {
>                 if (inStream != null)
>                 {
>                     try
>                     {
>                         inStream.close();
>                     } catch (IOException ex)
>                     {
>                         throw new RuntimeException(
>                                 "Should not have happended", ex);
>                     }
>                 }
>             }
>         }
>     }
> {code}
> Will attach IT test.

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