
Mark Hobson commented on MCHECKSTYLE-111:

This looks like an issue with checkstyle itself, see:

> More information on issue: "Got an exception - java.lang.RuntimeException: 
> Unable to get class information for [exception]"
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MCHECKSTYLE-111
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCHECKSTYLE-111
>             Project: Maven 2.x Checkstyle Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.2
>         Environment: Windows Vista Business (x64), Windows XP (x86), Windows 
> 2003 Server (x86)
> Apache Maven 2.1.0 (r755702; 2009-03-18 20:10:27+0100) and Maven 2.0.10
> Java version: 1.6.0_13
>            Reporter: Michael Grossniklaus
>            Priority: Blocker
>         Attachments: maven-checkstyle-plugin.zip, output.txt
> This bug report provides more insight on the situations in which the 
> maven-checkstyle-plugin is unable to get the class information for exceptions 
> that are declared by the project. This report is, therefore, a refinement of 
> prior bug reports such as MPCHECKSTYLE-1, MPCHECKSTYLE-20, or MCHECKSTYLE-54. 
> We believe, however, that through a more in-depth study of the problem we can 
> provide a narrower definition of the problem that, hopefully, will result in 
> it resolution.
> Our experiments have shown that the maven-checkstyle-plugin fails for classes 
> or interfaces that contain method signatures with a "throws" clause pointing 
> to exception defined by both the project and elsewhere. This is demonstrated 
> by the interface "ch.ethz.globis.demo.Demo" contained in the attached demo 
> project.
> {{
> public interface Demo {
>    void foo() throws DemoException, IOException, FileNotFoundException;
>    void foofoo() throws DemoException;
>    void bar() throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, 
> IllegalArgumentException;
> }
> }}
> If the command "mvn checkstyle:check" is executed in the project, it will 
> fail with one checkstyle violation. If, however, the method "foo()" is 
> commented (or removed), everything works fine. Note that method "foofoo()" 
> which *only* declares "ch.ethz.globis.demo.DemoException" is unproblematic as 
> well as method "bar()" which declares a set of exceptions that are declared 
> outside the project. Hence, the conclusion is that it is the combination of 
> *both* project and outside-project exceptions that make the 
> maven-checkstyle-plugin fail. Note that we have run maven on clean 
> installation (where the local repository has been removed first) to produce a 
> reproducible error.
> The attached zip file contains both the demo project that can be used to 
> reproduce the error as well as the output of the "mvn checkstyle:check" 
> command under "target". We also provide the file "output.txt" that documents 
> the console output of the command. If further documentation is required, do 
> not hesitate to contact me. We hope that by providing this information we can 
> contribute to the resolution of said issue, once and for all.

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