Site-structure and links messed up when using inheritance and sub-sub-modules

                 Key: MSITE-426
             Project: Maven 2.x Site Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
         Environment: WindowsXP, Solaris 2.8, SLES10, Maven 2.2.0, JDK 1.6
            Reporter: Michael Wenig

We have a structure like this:

pom.xml (A) (inherits from a companies-pom and acts primary as a generated 
multi-module-pom which should not be in need to be changed by developers)
 + ModuleContainer
      + pom.xml (B)
 + Module1 (which inherits from upper-pom)
      + pom.xml (C)
 + Module2 (which inherits from ProjectSuperPom)
      + pom.xml (D)
 + Module3
      + pom.xml (E)

pom A is intended to get generated and not changed by project team (includes 
the basic settings for issue management and so on). It is a multimodule and 
includes exactly one module (ModuleContainer)

pom B is primarly intended to define the modules of the project and is intended 
to be changed by the project team. It could also act as a SuperPom of the 
project or delegate this to a separate module

pom C, D, and E are 'normal' modules which use as parent the 
ModuleContainer-Pom, a separate SuperPom or the pom A

I made several tests, changed the inheritance, module definitions but did never 
achieved a site which was working (after deploying the site!).

I achieved that the sites are stored in a sensable structure but needed to add 
a distributionManagement to each pom which is error-prone.
But I did not achieve that the links are ok - the are everytime extrapolated in 
some strange way. The should be read out of the pom 
(or parent-pom and calculated the normal maven-way) of the module and perhaps 
extrapolated when there ist none (but then a configurable pattern
would be better).

I attached three samples together with the created sites (windows, JDK 1.6, 
Maven 2.2.0).

The physical structure does not make sense in this case as the 
inheritance-parent-poms name AND the module artifact name is used as a suffix 
for the directory
and has no benefit there

I added a distributionManagement and url to all poms

now the physical structure is ok

The following problems:

The rootPoms-site contains two links (which are syntactically correct and 
 - to modules (ok)
 - to projectPom 

I either expect only a link to modules (as this is the only direct module of 
rootPom) or a link
to all modules including the submodules of rootPom. It seems that the module 
list is build up out of the modules and the direct inherited projects
(as rootPom is the parent-pom of projectPom) - this makes IMHO no sense!

Neither the site of the modules nor of projectPom contains any links to the 
other modules.
I would expect a list of projectPom, module1, module2

I removed the double-multimodule and included all modules in the RootPom but 
keeping the extra projectPom

- Only The projectPom is linked from RootPom
- the structure of the different sites is different:
demo3\Module1\0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (ok)
demo3\projectPom\0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (ok)
demo3\RootPom\0.0.1-SNAPSHOT (ok)
demo3\Module2\0.0.1-SNAPSHOT\Module2 (becaus of missing distributionManagement 
which makes no sense)

The physical structure should be that of demo2 even if the 
distributionManagement is missing in the sub-poms (it is error-prone to have it 
in every one).
There should be a configuration-switch to deactivate ANY magic in building the 
structure and use a pattern instead.

e.G. in a companies-pom which is a superpom of all projects and modules (direct 
or indirect):


                        <strict>true</strict> <!-- deactivates the auto-suffix 
and always use this one -->
                        <hierarchically>true</hierarchically> <!-- leads to 
com/mycompany/demo instead of com.mycompany.demo -->

and no need for any distributionManagement or url in the other poms. Therefore 
the pom of the module has to be analyzed if there is a url coming out.
If not the 'old way' could be used
and for every link the RESULTING url of the destination should be used.

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