
Anders Blaagaard commented on MASSEMBLY-337:

I have the same problem, but managed to make a workaround by first unpacking 
the dependency using the unpack goal in the dependency plugin, and then 
including it in the assembly as a {{fileSet}} with correct {{fileMode}} 

> dependencySet with unpack=true cannot be used to make file permissions 
> executable
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MASSEMBLY-337
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-337
>             Project: Maven 2.x Assembly Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.2-beta-2
>         Environment: Maven 2.0.9, Java 1.6_04, tested on both Windows XP and 
> CentOS 4.1
>            Reporter: John Crim
>            Priority: Blocker
>         Attachments: massembly-bug.tar.gz
> The attached tar.gz contains 2 simple test projects which exhibit this bug:
> # Project scripts-assembly generates 
> {{scripts-assembly-1.0-SNAPSHOT-scripts.zip}}, which contains a single file, 
> {{script.sh}}, with permissions {{-rwxr-xr-x}}
> # Project assembly-filemode-bug depends on project scripts-assembly.  It 
> extracts the scripts.zip file into its {{/bin}} directory when creating its 
> assembly.
> {code:xml}
> <!-- Assembly descriptor for assembly-filemode-bug project -->
>   <dependencySets>
>     <dependencySet>
>       <outputFileNameMapping></outputFileNameMapping>
>       <outputDirectory>bin</outputDirectory>
>       <unpack>true</unpack>
>       <includes>
>         <include>maven-bugs:scripts-assembly:zip:scripts</include>
>       </includes>
>       <fileMode>0755</fileMode>
>     </dependencySet>
>   </dependencySets>
> {code}
> The {{fileMode}} element does not have the desired effect.  I'm not able to 
> find a workaround with 2.2-beta-2 that enables me to set the executable bit 
> on the scripts. From looking at other bugs in MASSEMBLY, I did try 
> configuring the scripts-assembly project to output a zip (also tried tar.gz) 
> containing the files with the executable bit set.  This didn't change the 
> outcome - the files in package #2 are still not executable.
> I consider this a highest priority bug, b/c I can find no way to get around 
> this limitation and make script files from a dependency executable within an 
> installable package.  If I change to assembly plugin version 2.2-beta-1 
> (which admittedly has a significant list of bugs I'd like to avoid), this 
> works.  I've also tried using other tar.gz for the assembly output of both 
> projects, but it didn't affect the outcome.
> At this point I think my best path forward is to use assembly plugin version 
> 2.2-beta-1.

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