
Rob ten Hove commented on MDEP-216:

OK, thanks for your comment. Indeed I did understand the documentation 
incorrectly. I thought that you had to use the name, but instead you have to 
use the expression. I think it is wise to add a small note about this to the 
documentation (true for all Maven software).

> Specifying parameters on the command-line interface using -D syntax requires 
> mdep refix.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MDEP-216
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEP-216
>             Project: Maven 2.x Dependency Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: copy-dependencies
>    Affects Versions: 2.0-alpha-1, 2.0-alpha-2, 2.0-alpha-3, 2.0-alpha-4, 2.0, 
> 2.1, 2.2
>         Environment: Maven 2.0.9, dependency plugin 2.0.
>            Reporter: Rob ten Hove
>            Assignee: Brian Fox
>            Priority: Minor
> I used the dependency:copy-dependencies goal on the command-line, and wanted 
> to set the "failOnMissingClassifierArtifact" option to "false".
> Command-line used:
> mvn -Dclassifier=sources -DfailOnMissingClassifierArtifact=false 
> -DoutputDirectory=x/y/z dependency:copy-dependencies
> The problem is that the "failOnMissingClassifierArtifact" remained "true". 
> This was also visible after running maven in debug mode. After looking in the 
> source code, I saw that the "failOnMissingClassifierArtifact" class field was 
> specified as '@parameter expression="${mdep.failOnMissingClassifierArtifact}" 
> default-value="true"'.
> The "outputDirectory" parameter however was specified as '@parameter 
> expression="${outputDirectory}" 
> default-value="${project.build.directory}/dependency"'.
> Thus, without the "mdep." prefix.
> The outputDirectory worked so I changed the commandline to include the 
> *mdep.* prefix:
> mvn -Dclassifier=sources -Dmdep.failOnMissingClassifierArtifact=false 
> -DoutputDirectory=x/y/z dependency:copy-dependencies
> Now it worked. According to the documentation however the "mdep." prefix is 
> not needed, and I would find it strange if it was needed. I think this 
> problem is also true for other parameters, maybe even for other goals.

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