
Antoine Lochet commented on MECLIPSE-558:

Works great here too.
Thanks for the tip!

> Ignoring listed AspectJ dependencies
> ------------------------------------
>                 Key: MECLIPSE-558
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MECLIPSE-558
>             Project: Maven 2.x Eclipse Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: AJDT support
>    Affects Versions: 2.6, 2.7
>            Reporter: Dale Peakall
> When AJDT support is enabled, the plugin ignores any dependencies that 
> include the term "aspectj" in the artifactId: these include aspectjrt.jar, 
> aspectjweaver.jar and aspectjtools.jar.  Instead the project gets created 
> with a link to the AspectJ Runtime Library "Folder" which just contains 
> aspectjrt.jar.  However, if the project depends on the other AspectJ 
> artifacts, e.g. aspectjweaver.jar (because it uses load-time-weaving) it is 
> broken and no amount of POM tweaking will get it back in there.
> Using the <ajdtVersion>none</ajdtVersion> is fine if the project doesn't 
> include any aspects - but if it does it needs AJDT to compile the aspect - 
> but also needs the other AspectJ artifacts (that were specified in the POM) 
> to run Unit Tests etc.
> At a minimum the plugin should be modified to only replace aspectjrt.  
> However, I am generally uncomfortable with the whole replacement concept.  As 
> long as projects specify the appropriate dependencies then AJDT will be able 
> to compile and run the project (i.e. the special "AspectJ Runtime Library" 
> folder is not required).  This will also ensure that a consistent version of 
> AspectJ is used (the version provided by Eclipse need not be the same as 
> specified in the POM).

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