More information on issue: "Got an exception - java.lang.RuntimeException: 
Unable to get class information for [exception]"

                 Key: MCHECKSTYLE-111
             Project: Maven 2.x Checkstyle Plugin
          Issue Type: Bug
    Affects Versions: 2.2
         Environment: Windows Vista Business (x64), Windows XP (x86), Windows 
2003 Server (x86)
Apache Maven 2.1.0 (r755702; 2009-03-18 20:10:27+0100) and Maven 2.0.10
Java version: 1.6.0_13
            Reporter: Michael Grossniklaus
            Priority: Blocker
         Attachments:, output.txt

This bug report provides more insight on the situations in which the 
maven-checkstyle-plugin is unable to get the class information for exceptions 
that are declared by the project. This report is, therefore, a refinement of 
prior bug reports such as MPCHECKSTYLE-1, MPCHECKSTYLE-20, or MCHECKSTYLE-54. 
We believe, however, that through a more in-depth study of the problem we can 
provide a narrower definition of the problem that, hopefully, will result in it 

Our experiments have shown that the maven-checkstyle-plugin fails for classes 
or interfaces that contain method signatures with a "throws" clause pointing to 
exception defined by both the project and elsewhere. This is demonstrated by 
the interface "ch.ethz.globis.demo.Demo" contained in the attached demo project.
public interface Demo {

   void foo() throws DemoException, IOException, FileNotFoundException;

   void foofoo() throws DemoException;

   void bar() throws IOException, FileNotFoundException, 

If the command "mvn checkstyle:check" is executed in the project, it will fail 
with one checkstyle violation. If, however, the method "foo()" is commented (or 
removed), everything works fine. Note that method "foofoo()" which *only* 
declares "ch.ethz.globis.demo.DemoException" is unproblematic as well as method 
"bar()" which declares a set of exceptions that are declared outside the 
project. Hence, the conclusion is that it is the combination of *both* project 
and outside-project exceptions that make the maven-checkstyle-plugin fail. Note 
that we have run maven on clean installation (where the local repository has 
been removed first) to produce a reproducible error.

The attached zip file contains both the demo project that can be used to 
reproduce the error as well as the output of the "mvn checkstyle:check" command 
under "target". We also provide the file "output.txt" that documents the 
console output of the command. If further documentation is required, do not 
hesitate to contact me. We hope that by providing this information we can 
contribute to the resolution of said issue, once and for all.

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