Rsync for AspectJ ----------------- Key: MAVENUPLOAD-2433 URL: Project: Maven Upload Requests Issue Type: Wish Reporter: Simone Gianni
AspectJ is being used by many Maven users, also thanks to the AspectJ mojo. Up to now, AspectJ developers have created the bundle more or less manually, and then created issues here to have it uploaded to the central repository. You can see those issues here, including the pending ones : Recently however frequency of releases has increased, and demand for fast availability of it on the central repository also. Since no one of the developers had the availability of an rsync space, I offered, as a user, a space on a server of mines. You can see the thread here : So, right now, I have an rsync enabled space where AspectJ developers are able to push releases. Following Maven guidelines and my experience with it, only Andrew Clement is actually enabled to perform a release on that space, and he has been instructed to only send real releases to it. Also, authentication is always done using SSH keys as suggested in Maven guidelines. These are comma separated data for the rsync list : "org.aspectj","","rsync_ssh","Simone Gianni","",, Please add it to the list. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: