MavenXpp3Writer.write( writer, model ) does not write the <groupId> for <plugin> sections under <pluginManagement> when the "groupId" is "org.apache.maven.plugins" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MNG-4131 URL: Project: Maven 2 Issue Type: Bug Components: Embedding Affects Versions: 3.0-alpha-1, 2.0.9 Reporter: nambi sankaran I need to update the some sections of a super pom file for every release. Instead of writing a script, I am using maven-model library to read the Model of the pom.xml and update my stuff. then I am simply writing the file back into disk Following is the code. BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new FileReader(pomFilePath) ); MavenXpp3Reader reader = new MavenXpp3Reader(); Model model =; in.close(); DistributionManagement dMgmt = model.getDistributionManagement(); DeploymentRepository repository = dMgmt.getRepository(); repository.setUrl(repositoryUrl); // write the pom file BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter( pomFilePath )); MavenXpp3Writer writer = new MavenXpp3Writer(); writer.write(out, model); MavenXpp3Writer.write( writer, model ) does not write the <groupId> for <plugin> sections under <pluginManagement> when the "groupId" is "org.apache.maven.plugins" Following is the code that does the work private void writePlugin(Plugin plugin, String tagName, XmlSerializer serializer) throws { if ( plugin != null ) { serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, tagName ); if ( plugin.getGroupId() != null && !plugin.getGroupId().equals( "org.apache.maven.plugins" ) ) { serializer.startTag( NAMESPACE, "groupId" ).text( plugin.getGroupId() ).endTag( NAMESPACE, "groupId" ); } As you see, the writePlugin method does not write the "groupId" , when the groupId is null or "org.apache.maven.plugins" Is this intended or a bug? -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: