
Davide Simonetti edited comment on MAVENUPLOAD-2375 at 3/25/09 2:20 AM:

The pom at the jboss repostiory references some artifact 
(jboss-backport-concurrent and javassist 3.5.GA) available only on that 
repository, moreover it has a parent pom that inclules a <pluginRepository> 
section (pointing to jboss maven repository). so i don't think it's ok for you 
to use it.

At the moment i'm using jboss-retro with the dependencies declared in the first 
upload bundle i prepared and it works fine for me. However i agree it's not a 
"clean" situation. 

I also prepared the upload bundles for the exact resources i've found at the 
pom at jboss website.

 * jboss-backport-concurrent 
As written here http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-10738 
"is just a copy of the backport concurrent util project 
(http://backport-jsr166.sourceforge.net/) built from our own cvs with regular 
regression testing"
The original backport project is public domain software (Creative Commons?). 
Jboss doesn't specify any licensing. here is the link for uploading the bundle:

 * Javassist 3.5.GA
While for Javassist i prepared another bundle that will upload the artifact 
javassist-3.5.ga under the groupId jboss.
This is not the position of the artifact in jboss repository but it's where 
i've found other javassist on repo1,  this is to avoid the creation of a new 
group id.

 * Jboss-retro
This is the new jboss-retro bundle with the updated dependencies:
Thanks again.

      was (Author: dvd.smnt):
    The pom at the jboss website references some artifact 
(jboss-backport-concurrent and javassist 3.5.GA) available only on jboss 
repository, so i don't think it's ok for you to use it.

At the moment i'm using jboss-retro with the dependencies declared in the 
upload bundle and it works fine for me. However i agree it's not a "clean" 

In next few days i'll provide also the bundles for the missing libraries, so 
you can choose what to upload.

Thanks again.
> Please upload jboss-retro artifact
> ----------------------------------
>                 Key: MAVENUPLOAD-2375
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-2375
>             Project: Maven Upload Requests
>          Issue Type: Wish
>            Reporter: Davide Simonetti
> Jboss retro is a retroweaver developed by jboss. 
> It can weave java 1.5 compiled code into a jdk 1.4 compatible. I use it into 
> my projects because it works better than retrotranslator.
> Detailed information can be found here: 
> http://www.jboss.org/community/docs/DOC-10738
> It's licensed under  GNU LGPL software license.
> Thanks in advance.
> Davide.

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