
Benjamin Bentmann edited comment on MDEPLOY-59 at 3/19/09 6:00 PM:

Handled in [r754777|http://svn.eu.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=754777]. 
One is not supposed to specify files from the local repository as input. The 
plugin will now abort the deployment with a corresponding error message.

      was (Author: bentmann):
    Handled in 
[r754777|http://svn.eu.apache.org/viewvc?view=rev&revision=754777]. One is not 
supposed to specify files from the local repository as input. The plugin will 
not abort the deployment with a corresponding error message.
> deploy:deploy-file deletes the original file on error
> -----------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MDEPLOY-59
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MDEPLOY-59
>             Project: Maven 2.x Deploy Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.3
>         Environment: Windows XP 
>            Reporter: Tim Reilly
>            Assignee: Benjamin Bentmann
>             Fix For: 2.5
> While trying to test deploy:deploy-file the local copy of the pom gets 
> deleted and an error message (can not find the pom that it just deleted is 
> error logged.)
> Setup: Maven2 jaxb-1 plugin is in my local repository. I have a test 
> repository on my local machine as well / also. 
> In order to test the command needed for our administrator to deploy the file 
> into our repository I test with the following command:
> C:\Work\Maven\maven-mmfg-loadthirdparty-plugin>mvn deploy:deploy-file 
> -Dfile=C:/DOCUME~1/CP65214/.m2/repository/org/jvnet/
> jaxb1/maven2/maven-jaxb1-plugin/1.0-rc10\maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.jar 
> -Durl=file://C:/Work/Maven/maven-mmfg-loadthirdpa
> rty-plugin/src/it/maven-mmfg-loadthirdparty-test/target\thirdparty/repo 
> -DpomFile=C:\DOCUME~1\CP65214\.m2\repository\org\j
> vnet\jaxb1\maven2\maven-jaxb1-plugin\1.0-rc10\maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.pom
> The result of the command is:
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> [INFO] snapshot 
> com.mm.infrastructure.build.plugins:maven-mmfg-plugins:1.0-SNAPSHOT: checking 
> for updates from mmfg-thirdp
> arty-snapshot
> [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'deploy'.
> [INFO] com.mm.infrastructure: checking for updates from 
> mmfg-thirdparty-plugin-release
> [INFO] org.apache.maven.plugins: checking for updates from 
> mmfg-thirdparty-plugin-release
> [INFO] org.codehaus.mojo: checking for updates from 
> mmfg-thirdparty-plugin-release
> [INFO] artifact org.apache.maven.plugins:maven-deploy-plugin: checking for 
> updates from mmfg-thirdparty-plugin-release
> [INFO] 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Building Unnamed - 
> com.mm.infrastructure.build.plugins:maven-mmfg-loadthirdparty-plugin:maven-plugin:1.0-SNAPSHOT
> [INFO]    task-segment: [deploy:deploy-file] (aggregator-style)
> [INFO] 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] [deploy:deploy-file]
> Uploading: 
> file://C:/Work/Maven/maven-mmfg-loadthirdparty-plugin/src/it/maven-mmfg-loadthirdparty-test/target\thirdparty/r
> epo/org/jvnet/jaxb1/maven2/maven-jaxb1-plugin/1.0-rc10/maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.jar
> 0b uploaded
> [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from remote-repository
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Error installing artifact's metadata: Error installing metadata: Error 
> copying POM to the local repository.
> File 
> C:\DOCUME~1\CP65214\.m2\repository\org\jvnet\jaxb1\maven2\maven-jaxb1-plugin\1.0-rc10\maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.pom
>  does not exist
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] For more information, run Maven with the -e switch
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 2 seconds
> [INFO] Finished at: Thu Aug 02 17:11:55 EDT 2007
> [INFO] Final Memory: 3M/11M
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So as I am entering this issue I decide to replay everything and my plugin 
> must have the willies... b/c this time around it doesn't delete the pom 
> file... It turns both the pom and the jar into 0 byte files:
> Steps for this one: 
> 1) I delete the jaxb plugin from the my repository08/02/2007  05:40 PM    
> 2) I run verify on my jaxb project so that it grabs it from java.net's 
> repository... and the jar is about 22K and the pom is about 9K
> 08/02/2007  05:40 PM    <DIR>          ..
> 08/02/2007  05:39 PM            22,124 maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.jar
> 08/02/2007  05:39 PM                40 maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.jar.sha1
> 08/02/2007  05:39 PM             9,156 maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.pom
> 08/02/2007  05:39 PM                40 maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.pom.sha1
> 3) Run the command againX:\>mvn deploy:deploy-file 
> -Dfile=C:/DOCUME~1/CP65214/.m2/repository/org/jvnet/jaxb1/maven2/maven-jaxb1-plugin/1.0-rc10\ma
> ven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.jar 
> -Durl=file://C:/Work/Maven/maven-mmfg-loadthirdparty-plugin/src/it/maven-mmfg-loadthirdparty
> -test/target\thirdparty/repo 
> -DpomFile=C:\DOCUME~1\CP65214\.m2\repository\org\jvnet\jaxb1\maven2\maven-jaxb1-plugin\1.0-rc
> 10\maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.pom
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'deploy'.
> [INFO] 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Building Maven Default Project
> [INFO]    task-segment: [deploy:deploy-file] (aggregator-style)
> [INFO] 
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] [deploy:deploy-file]
> Uploading: 
> file://C:/Work/Maven/maven-mmfg-loadthirdparty-plugin/src/it/maven-mmfg-loadthirdparty-test/target\thirdparty/r
> epo/org/jvnet/jaxb1/maven2/maven-jaxb1-plugin/1.0-rc10/maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.jar
> 0b uploaded
> [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from remote-repository
> [WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local = 
> '16d6d5705fc3d6664c0c1c522e233152aaf92f70'; remote =
> 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' - RETRYING
> [WARNING] *** CHECKSUM FAILED - Checksum failed on download: local = 
> '16d6d5705fc3d6664c0c1c522e233152aaf92f70'; remote =
> 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' - IGNORING
> [INFO] Uploading project information for maven-jaxb1-plugin 1.0-rc10
> [INFO] Retrieving previous metadata from remote-repository
> [INFO] Uploading repository metadata for: 'artifact 
> org.jvnet.jaxb1.maven2:maven-jaxb1-plugin'
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] 
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> [INFO] Total time: 2 seconds
> [INFO] Finished at: Thu Aug 02 17:42:34 EDT 2007
> [INFO] Final Memory: 3M/10M
> [INFO] ---------------------------------------------------------X:\>dir 
> "C:\Documents and 
> Settings\CP65214\.m2\repository\org\jvnet\jaxb1\maven2\maven-jaxb1-plugin\1
>  Volume in drive C has no label.
>  Volume Serial Number is 1004-2687
>  Directory of C:\Documents and 
> Settings\CP65214\.m2\repository\org\jvnet\jaxb1\maven2\maven-jaxb1-plu
> 08/02/2007  05:42 PM    <DIR>          .
> 08/02/2007  05:42 PM    <DIR>          ..
> 08/02/2007  05:42 PM                 0 maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.jar
> 08/02/2007  05:39 PM                40 maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.jar.sha1
> 08/02/2007  05:42 PM                 0 maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.pom
> 08/02/2007  05:39 PM                40 maven-jaxb1-plugin-1.0-rc10.pom.sha1
>                4 File(s)             80 bytes
>                2 Dir(s)  39,859,453,952 bytes free---------------
> They're 0 btyes now?
> Maybe this is one of those "Doctor it hurts when I do this..",  "Well don't 
> to that!!!" issues, but I thought it was worth reporting.
> Oh but wait...

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