generated ReleaseDescriptor contains buggy method: getDependencyDevelopmentVersion and getDependencyReleaseVersion ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MRELEASE-417 URL: Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin Issue Type: Bug Reporter: Jens Mühlenhoff The following two methods will always return null if the attribute resolvedSnapshotDependencies is not null. Second you can avoid extra lookups by doing a get and check if the value is null (without calling containsKey before). /** * Retrieve the release version for the resolved snapshot dependency. * */ public String getDependencyDevelopmentVersion( String artifactConflictId ) { if ( ( resolvedSnapshotDependencies == null ) && ( resolvedSnapshotDependencies.containsKey( artifactConflictId ) ) ) { java.util.Map versionMap = ( java.util.Map ) resolvedSnapshotDependencies.get( artifactConflictId ); return ( String ) versionMap.get( DEVELOPMENT_KEY ); } return null; } /** * Retrieve the release version for the resolved snapshot dependency. * */ public String getDependencyReleaseVersion( String artifactConflictId ) { if ( ( resolvedSnapshotDependencies == null ) && ( resolvedSnapshotDependencies.containsKey( artifactConflictId ) ) ) { java.util.Map versionMap = ( java.util.Map ) resolvedSnapshotDependencies.get( artifactConflictId ); return ( String ) versionMap.get( RELEASE_KEY ); } return null; } -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: