Cannot use "Run As Java Application/JUnit Test" (classpath problem) with ejb-client dependecy and "Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects" ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Key: MECLIPSE-524 URL: Project: Maven 2.x Eclipse Plugin Issue Type: Bug Components: WTP support Environment: M2Eclipse with WTP Support Reporter: David Causse Attachments: m2bug.tgz With 2 module mod1 mod2 and mod2 refering mod1 ejb-client, classpath is wrong when running unit test or Java Application : ClassNotFoundException for mod1 classes. This does not happen with ejb dependecy and does not happen with no workspace project dependencies. Test case attached. Import attached "m2bug" and try to run unit test in module2/src/test/java/m2bug/M1Test You'll get ClassNotFoundException if "Resolve dependencies from Workspace projects" is checked on module2. -- This message is automatically generated by JIRA. - If you think it was sent incorrectly contact one of the administrators: - For more information on JIRA, see: