henrik242 edited comment on MNG-3057 at 9/19/08 5:49 AM:

I've updated [the patch|^InstallMojo.java.patch].  System properties are taken 
into account as well now.

      was (Author: henrik242):
    I've updated the patch.  System properties are taken into account as well 
> properties not expanded in generated POMs when building A/B/C nested projects
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-3057
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3057
>             Project: Maven 2
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Inheritance and Interpolation
>    Affects Versions: 2.0.7
>            Reporter: George Armhold
>             Fix For: 2.0.x
>         Attachments: example.tar.gz, generated-poms.tar.gz, 
> InstallMojo.java.patch, InstallMojo.java.patch
> Using Maven version: 2.0.8-SNAPSHOT, svn r547427.
> I checked out and built 2.0.8 because I was interested in Jason van Zyl's 
> patch for MNG-2619- "building from the middle pom of a 
> (parent,child,grandchild) heirarchy fails".  The fix works for the most part, 
> but there still seems to be a problem with the poms that get generated during 
> the install goal.  The poms that get installed into .m2/repository do not 
> have properties interpolated.  If I run maven like:
>    $ mvn install -Dglobal-version=1.0.0
> I get poms with the string "${global-version}" embedded in the resulting poms 
> rather than what I specify on the command line (or in settings.xml).  The 
> build works properly aside from this, and if I do "mvn help:effective-pom" 
> the properties are correctly interpolated.
> I've attached a tarfile with an example A/B/C build structure that exhibits 
> this behavior, as well as the generated poms.
> Many thanks for your attention.

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