
John Casey closed MASSEMBLY-287.

         Assignee: John Casey
       Resolution: Fixed
    Fix Version/s: 2.2-beta-3


Actually, we can fix this using the plugin-parameter annotation:

 * @parameter expression="${skipAssembly}" default-value="false"
private boolean skipAssembly;

I did apply your integration-test patch, though. Thanks.

> Unable to pass -DskipAssembly=true through the command line to skip the 
> assembly plugin.
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MASSEMBLY-287
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MASSEMBLY-287
>             Project: Maven 2.x Assembly Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.2-beta-2
>            Reporter: Denis Sadowski
>            Assignee: John Casey
>             Fix For: 2.2-beta-3
>         Attachments: massembly-287-source.txt, massemby287.zip
> Configured my assembly plugin as follows:
>                       <plugin>
>                               <artifactId>maven-assembly-plugin</artifactId>
>                               <configuration>
>                                       <descriptors>
>                                               <descriptor> 
> target/classes/maven/assembly/assembly.xml</descriptor>
>                                       </descriptors>
>                               </configuration>
>                               <executions>
>                                       <execution>
>                                               <id>make-assembly</id>
>                                               <phase>package</phase>
>                                               <goals>
>                                                       <goal>attached</goal>
>                                               </goals>
>                                       </execution>
>                               </executions>
>                       </plugin>
> I want to skip running this assembly plugin, so I attempted to use the 
> -DskipAssembly=true command line parameter to no avail, the plugin still 
> runs. 
> I am however able to change other parameters through the command line, such 
> as -DappendAssemblyId=false, and the change is picked up.

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