Hi folks i have build a project by using maven. it contains many modules in it. i am facing a problem like not able to make dynamic build path based on build date and time... for entire project build i want the build path to take date and time at which build started.. i have tried by specifying get date and get time in parent POM... but all the individual modules started inheriting this function and each individual module has different folder structure, based on the time at which they started... I want only one main dynamic build path where every module gets deployed in it.
i am stuck with this issue for a long time... please suggest me how to overcome this issue thanks in advance... regards nattu -- View this message in context: http://www.nabble.com/Path-for-Output-of-Automated-Build-should-be-dynamic-based-on-Build-Date-and-Time-tp19392788p19392788.html Sent from the Maven - Issues mailing list archive at Nabble.com.