
Gary S. Weaver closed MAVENUPLOAD-2198.

    Resolution: Incomplete

Going to close this and open up a new bug for uploading v4.0.2 instead so there 
won't be any confusion.

> Please upload simple-4.0.1 to central Maven 2 repo
> --------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MAVENUPLOAD-2198
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MAVENUPLOAD-2198
>             Project: Maven Upload Requests
>          Issue Type: Wish
>            Reporter: Gary S. Weaver
>         Attachments: simple-web-4.0.1-bundle.jar, simple-web-4.0.1.jar
> Simple ( http://www.simpleframework.org/ ) is self described as: "The goal of 
> Simple is to bring the power of simplicity to the world of server side Java. 
> The primary focus of the project is to provide a truly embeddable Java based 
> HTTP engine capable of handling enormous loads. Simple provides a truly 
> asynchronous service model, request completion is driven using an internal, 
> transparent, monitoring system. This allows Simple to vastly outperform most 
> popular Java based servers in a multi-tier environment, as it requires only a 
> very limited number of threads to handle very high quantities of concurrent 
> clients. Simple has consistently out performed both commercial and open 
> source Java Servlet engines and has a fully comprehensive API that is as 
> usable for experienced Java developers as it is for beginners. Best of all, 
> Simple is completely free, and is released under the terms of the GNU Lesser 
> General Public License, LGPL, which ensures its availability for use by open 
> source and proprietary developers alike."
> Simple is also mentioned here (where I found reference to it): 
> http://java-source.net/open-source/web-servers
> I think it would make a good addition to the central Maven 2 repository, and 
> I'd consider using it in a project I'm developing. I also mentioned it on the 
> maven users mailing list.
> I will attempt to contact the developer to inform him of this.
> Bundle attached.

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