HTML parser 1.1.0 to Maven repo

                 Key: MAVENUPLOAD-2186
             Project: Maven Upload Requests
          Issue Type: Improvement
            Reporter: Henri Sivonen
         Attachments: htmlparser-1.1.0-bundle.jar

For reference, the previous version was MAVENUPLOAD-2006.

    * Made the SAX, DOM and XOM parser entry point constructors default to 
altering the infoset instead of throwing when the input needs coercing to be an 
XML 1.0 4th ed. plus Namespaces infoset.
    * Isolated Java IO dependent code from the parser core. The parser core now 
compiles on Google Web Toolkit.
    * Refactored the tokenizer to use a switch branch per state instead of 
method per state.
    * Made various performance tweaks to the tokenizer.
    * Implemented support for MathML and SVG foreign content. (Note that the 
SVG part is based on spec text that has been commented out from the spec at the 
request of the SVG WG.)
    * Made the parser suspendable after any input character.
    * Made it possible for custom TreeBuilder subclasses to request parser 
suspension. (Applications wishing to implement document.write() should provide 
their own TreeBuilder subclass and a document.write()-aware replacement of the 
Driver class. Look in the gwt-src/ directory for sample code.)
    * Made changes to the parser core to make it more suitable for mechanical 
translation into other object-oriented programming languages that have C-like 
control structures but not necessarily a garbage collector (with focus on 
targeting C++). This work is not complete.
    * Made the HTML serializer do the right thing when input represents a 
conforming XHTML+SVG+MathML tree. (Results may be bad for non-conforming input 
    * Developed sample programs for converting between HTML5 and XHTML5 when 
the input is known to be conforming.
    * Provided an XML serializer so that the sample code no longer depends on 
the Xalan serializer.
    * Improved API documentation.
    * Fixed bugs in the tokenizer, tree builder and the input stream character 
encoding decoder.
    * Made coercion to an XML infoset work according to the HTML5 spec.
    * Added ID uniqueness checking.
    * Various other fixes.

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