
Alexander Shvets commented on MANTTASKS-4:

For "system" scope classpath is built incorrectly: it build path for atrifacts 
as combination of local repository path and file name

> System scope not working properly in Maven Antlib
> -------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MANTTASKS-4
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MANTTASKS-4
>             Project: Maven 2.x Ant Tasks
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: dependencies task
>         Environment: Mac OS X
>            Reporter: Greg Luck
> If I add the following 
> <dependency>
>             <groupId>javax.cache</groupId>
>             <artifactId>jcache</artifactId>
>             <version>not_released</version>
>             <scope>system</scope>
>             <!--<systemPath>${basedir}/tools/jcache.jar</systemPath>-->
> <systemPath>/Users/gluck/work/ehcache/trunk/tools/jcache.jar</systemPath>
>         </dependency>
> When I so a run I get dropping 
> /Users/gluck/.m2/repository/javax/cache/jcache/not_released/jcache-not_released.jar
>  from path as it doesn't exist
>     [javac] net/sf/ehcache/jcache/CacheListenerAdaptor.java added as 
> net/sf/ehcache/jcache/CacheListenerAdaptor.class doesn't exist.
>     [javac] net/sf/ehcache/jcache/Entry.java added as 
> net/sf/ehcache/jcache/Entry.class doesn't exist.
>     [javac] net/sf/ehcache/jcache/JCache.java added as 
> net/sf/ehcache/jcache/JCache.class doesn't exist.
>     [javac] net/sf/ehcache/jcache/JCacheFactory.java added as 
> net/sf/ehcache/jcache/JCacheFactory.class doesn't exist.
>     [javac] net/sf/ehcache/jcache/package.html skipped - don't know how to 
> handle it
> dropping 
> /Users/gluck/.m2/repository/javax/cache/jcache/not_released/jcache-not_released.jar
>  from path as it doesn't exist
> It should not be looking for it there.
> To reproduce just try and use the system scope and systemPath. 

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