
lois edited comment on MJAVADOC-194 at 6/4/08 4:42 PM:

Create aggregated javadocs for both source code in the default location and 
source code in an additional location.  I include the "additional source code 
using the "build-helper-maven-plugin" which is included in the parent pom: 

When I run the command:
mvn javadoc:javadoc -Daggregate=true
using javadoc version 2.4, the classes in the "additional" source code directory
is not included in the aggregated javadocs.  
*******Using javadoc version 2.3, works correctly by including the additional
source code directory.**********

See the attached file JavaDocTestCase.zip.
Please read the file "Readme.txt" for more information about this test.
Let me know if you have any more questions.

      was (Author: lois):
Create aggregated javadocs for both source code in the default location and 
source code in an additional location.  I include the "additional source code 
using the "build-helper-maven-plugin" which is included in the parent pom: 

When I run the command:
mvn javadoc:javadoc -Daggregate=true
using javadoc version 2.4, the classes in the "additional" source code directory
is not included in the aggregated javadocs.  
*******Using javadoc version 2.3, works correctly by including the additional
source code directory.**********

Please read the file "Readme.txt" for more information about this test.
Let me know if you have any more questions.
> javadoc 2.4 does not [build-helper:add-source {execution: add-source}] when 
> aggregating a javadoc for a project
> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MJAVADOC-194
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MJAVADOC-194
>             Project: Maven 2.x Javadoc Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.4
>         Environment: Maven version: 2.0.9
> Java version: 1.5.0_12
> OS name: "windows xp" version: "5.1" arch: "x86" Family: "windows"
>            Reporter: Lois Modesitt
>         Attachments: JavaDocTestCase.zip, m209out-UsingJavadoc2.3.txt, 
> m209out-UsingJavadoc2.4.txt, m209out-UsingJavadoc2.5SNAPSHOT.txt
> The javadoc does not include the "additional source" files defined using the 
> "build-helper:add-source" in each of my subproject pom files when using 
> javadoc plugin 2.4.  The javadoc plugin 2.3 worked correctly.
> I use the "build-helper:add-source" to include additional source directories 
> to the build.  The additional source directories contain my generated source 
> file.  When I run the command using javadoc plugin version 2.4:
> mvn javadoc:javadoc -Daggregate=true
> (or have the aggregate=true specified inside of the pom) the 
> "build-helper:add-source" is not run for each of the subprojects before the 
> aggregated javadoc is created.  Therefore the javadoc does not include the 
> documentation for the files in the additional source directories.
> I also noted that the output for 2.3 javadoc plugin is:
> [INFO]    task-segment: [javadoc:javadoc] (aggregator-style)
> but the output for the 2.4 javadoc plugin is:
> [INFO]    task-segment: [javadoc:javadoc]
> I am not sure if the above output is changed between versions or if the 
> "aggregator-style" is not detectd in the 2.4 version and has an influence in 
> this issue.
> I have attached the log file for running my project using javadoc plugin 
> version 2.3 and 2.4.  Version 2.3 works and version 2.4 does not include the 
> additional source files in the aggregated javadoc.

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