
Olivier THIERRY commented on MNG-2433:

I have the same problem with Maven 2.0.8. It happened to me while doing a 
demonstration, so I had to improvise, not very comfortable lol
I ran maven with -o option because I had no network at the place where I did 
the demo, so I did not want to check artifacts. All artifacts are in my local 
repository so there should have been no problem ... but it tried to download 
artifacts and I can't understand why.

I had the following error message :

[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] ------------------------------------------------------------------------
[INFO] Failed to resolve artifact.

1) org.andromda.profiles.uml14:andromda-profile-service:xml.zip:3.3-SNAPSHOT

  Try downloading the file manually from the project website.

  Then, install it using the command: 
      mvn install:install-file -DgroupId=org.andromda.profiles.uml14 
-DartifactId=andromda-profile-service -Dversion=3.3-SNAPSHOT 
-Dpackaging=xml.zip -Dfile=/path/to/file

  Alternatively, if you host your own repository you can deploy the file there: 
      mvn deploy:deploy-file -DgroupId=org.andromda.profiles.uml14 
-DartifactId=andromda-profile-service -Dversion=3.3-SNAPSHOT 
-Dpackaging=xml.zip -Dfile=/path/to/file -Durl=[url] -DrepositoryId=[id]

  Path to dependency: 
        1) fr.xxx.t4:t4-core-mda:pom:1.0-SNAPSHOT
        2) org.andromda.cartridges:andromda-ejb3-cartridge:jar:1.0-SNAPSHOT
        3) org.andromda.profiles.uml14:andromda-profile:xml.zip:3.3-SNAPSHOT

1 required artifact is missing.

for artifact: 

from the specified remote repositories:
  central (,
  andromda (,
  snapshots (

NOTE: Maven is executing in offline mode. Any artifacts not already in your 
repository will be inaccessible.

To help to reproduce the problem, note I use artifactory as a repository. I 
have the following config in pom.xml :


I tried with updatePolicy as "weekly" or "never" but it changed nothing.

I also have the following mirrors in maven settings.xml, but removing them 
changed nothing :

<name>AndroMDA Repository</name>

<name>Apache Incubator Repository</name>

I really think there is a bug somewhere, as we run maven with -o option, it 
should not try to download artifacts. Maybe a problem with transitive 
dependencies ?

> Maven looks for snapshots in offline mode
> -----------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-2433
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-2433
>             Project: Maven 2
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Dependencies
>    Affects Versions: 2.0.5
>            Reporter: Carsten Ziegeler
>            Assignee: Jason van Zyl
>            Priority: Critical
>             Fix For: 2.0.6
> It seems that sometimes Maven2 is looking for snapshots in offline mode (this 
> happens for example in the Cocoon project). here is an output that might help:
> :\dev\workspace\cocoon-2.2\core\cocoon-webapp>mvn -o -Dmaven.test.skip=true 
> coc
> oon:deploy
> [INFO]
> NOTE: Maven is executing in offline mode. Any artifacts not already in your 
> loca
> l
> repository will be inaccessible.
> [INFO] Scanning for projects...
> [INFO] Searching repository for plugin with prefix: 'cocoon'.
> [INFO] org.apache.maven.plugins: checking for updates from snapshots
> [INFO] org.apache.maven.plugins: checking for updates from mortbay-repo
> [INFO] org.codehaus.mojo: checking for updates from snapshots
> [INFO] org.codehaus.mojo: checking for updates from mortbay-repo
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: 
> checkin
> g for updates from snapshots
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: 
> checkin
> g for updates from mortbay-repo
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: 
> checkin
> g for updates from central
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: 
> checkin
> g for updates from apache.snapshot
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: 
> checkin
> g for updates from apache-cvs
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer-plugin:1.0.0-SNAPSHOT: 
> checkin
> g for updates from apache.snapshots
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for 
> updat
> es from snapshots
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for 
> updat
> es from mortbay-repo
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for 
> updat
> es from central
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for 
> updat
> es from apache.snapshot
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for 
> updat
> es from apache-cvs
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-deployer:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for 
> updat
> es from apache.snapshots
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-tools-modules:1-SNAPSHOT: checking 
> for
> updates from snapshots
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-tools-modules:1-SNAPSHOT: checking 
> for
> updates from mortbay-repo
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-tools-modules:1-SNAPSHOT: checking 
> for
> updates from central
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-tools-modules:1-SNAPSHOT: checking 
> for
> updates from apache.snapshot
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-tools-modules:1-SNAPSHOT: checking 
> for
> updates from apache-cvs
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon-tools-modules:1-SNAPSHOT: checking 
> for
> updates from apache.snapshots
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates 
> from s
> napshots
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates 
> from m
> ortbay-repo
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates 
> from c
> entral
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates 
> from a
> pache.snapshot
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates 
> from a
> pache-cvs
> [INFO] snapshot org.apache.cocoon:cocoon:1-SNAPSHOT: checking for updates 
> from a
> pache.snapshots

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