
Denis Sadowski updated SUREFIRE-477:

    Attachment: command_prompt.JPG

I have attached an expansion of your provided project, included a copy of your 
BasicTest called NotShownTest as well as a unit test that will break the I/O 
stream using print. 

BasicTest will run just as it did in your sample project, then PrintTest will 
run, it will break the I/O to the command prompt, and if you look into 
junit4.PrintTest-output.txt the "Tests run: 1, Failures: 0, Errors: 0, Skipped: 
0, Time elapsed: 0.031 sec" is outputted here instead of to the window.

After this no other output is redirected to the command prompt during 
execution, and NotShownTest (renamed copy of BasicTest) will not redirect its 
print statements to a -output.txt file.

Attached is also a screenshot from the command prompt to show the lack of 

> Issue with redirectTestOutputToFile and unit test with System.out.print
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: SUREFIRE-477
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/SUREFIRE-477
>             Project: Maven Surefire
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.4
>            Reporter: Denis Sadowski
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: command_prompt.JPG, redirectIssue.zip, surefire477.zip
> We have the Maven surefire plugin configured to redirect test output to file 
> using the redirectTestOutputToFile property.
> Consider the following unit test:
> import static org.junit.Assert.*;
> import org.junit.Test;
> public class PrintUnitTest {
>       @Test
>       public final void test1() {
>               assertTrue(true);
>               System.out.print(System.currentTimeMillis());
>       }
> }
> The surefire plugin fails to print any more information to the console window 
> after "Running PrintUnitTest". Hence does not show the "Tests run ........." 
> line.
> Furthermore, if other unit tests are run after this one, they run, but there 
> output is also not shown on the console window. If a build failure occurs in 
> any of the unit tests the Results, with mention of which tests failed are not 
> printed.

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