
Brett Porter commented on WAGON-109:

that is quite a lot of dependencies. I think slf4j-log4j12/slf4j-api can be 
test if they aren't needed at runtime?

we probably want to exclude commons-logging too?

The user of the library (eg, maven core) can take care of the shading I think. 
I was planning to take that back out of the wagon build.

> Refactor Wagon HTTP and Wagon WebDav
> ------------------------------------
>                 Key: WAGON-109
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/WAGON-109
>             Project: wagon
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: wagon-http, wagon-webdav
>            Reporter: James William Dumay
>         Attachments: webdav-http-dav-refactor.patch, 
> webdav-http-dav-refactor.patch, webdav-http-dav-refactor.patch
> This patch includes the following:
> * Webdav wagon is now using Jackrabbits webdav client implementation over the 
> Apache Slide client library (now defunct)
> * Inclusion of a commons HttpClient abstract wagon for code reuse between 
> Wagon Http and Wagon Dav.
> * Improved consistency of http parameters across Wagon HTTP and Wagon Webdav 
> methods

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