Reword description of "provided" scope

                 Key: MNG-3502
             Project: Maven 2
          Issue Type: Improvement
          Components: Documentation:  General
            Reporter: Chad La Joie
            Priority: Minor

The current description, in the POM reference, for the "provided" dependency 
scope is a bit misleading.  It currently states:

"This scope ... is only available for the test compilation and execution 

When I read this I thought that meant the dependency would only be available in 
the test-compile and execution phases.  What I needed was a scope that was 
available during the compilation, test, and execution phase.  Searching the 
user-list showed a couple other people were tripped up by this as well.

I'd like to recommend a change of wording then to make this more clear:

"This scope ... is available in the compilation, test compilation, and 
execution phases."

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