
avalon edited comment on MRESOURCES-39 at 2/23/08 10:17 AM:

-Sorry I'm new to mvn... How can I use the patched plug-in? I've built it but 
couldn't find a way to make maven pick it up.-

Ah, it just needs to be in the local repo. How can I make sure it is used when 
put on a private repository? 

Btw I don't think overwriting jvm default properties from POM is a big issue 
since that would be kind of hack and should be done on cmdline if needed.

Thanks for the patch and hope it will be included in next plug-in versions!

      was (Author: avalon):
    Sorry I'm new to mvn... How can I use the patched plug-in? I've built it 
but couldn't find a way to make maven pick it up.
> Filtering fails for command line properties
> -------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRESOURCES-39
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRESOURCES-39
>             Project: Maven 2.x Resources Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>         Environment: maven-2.0.4 and maven-2.0.5
> Mac OS X
>            Reporter: Matt Brozowski
>            Priority: Critical
>         Attachments: filtering-bug.tar, 
> maven-resources-plugin-prop-filtering-r630241.patch
> When passing a property on the command line to maven using -D it does not 
> properly override values passed to filters.
> I have attached a sample project that defines a property in the pom.xml 
> called 'filtered'   This property is used as a filter in the 
> filtered.properties file in src/main/filtered/filtered.properties.  I have 
> also included a test that gets passed the filtered property as a System 
> property via the surefire plugin.  It then loaded the filtered.properties 
> file and tests to ensure the filters match.
> The tests pass when run as
> mvn test
> BUT if I run as 
> mvn -Dfiltered=from-cmd-line teset
> They fail.
> I have also included the antrun plugin print its perspective on the value of 
> the property.

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