
Olivier Lamy closed MCOMPILER-47.

    Resolution: Cannot Reproduce

> Inhertitance does not work when having more than one level
> ----------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MCOMPILER-47
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCOMPILER-47
>             Project: Maven 2.x Compiler Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Emmanuel Lécharny
>         Attachments: MCOMPILER-47.zip
> If trying to build some projects in a hierarchy which is more than one level 
> high, then the top level configuration is not correctly used.
> Our project (Apache Directory Server) is structured this way :
> <top-level>
>   |
>   +--> apacheds
>             |
>            +--> mitosis (and any other subprojects)
> When we try to compile the whole projet, we launch mvn install in the 
> top-level. For some unknown reason, if we don't put compilation directives in 
> the apacheds pom.xml (for instance, the jdk version to use), then mitosis 
> does not use the directive ut in the top-level pom.xml
> Each pom.xml correctly declare their parent pom.xml, ie mitosis depends on 
> apacheds pom.xml, and apacheds depends on top-level pom.xml

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