bentmann edited comment on MCLEAN-29 at 1/10/08 6:48 PM:

I can reproduce this issue (on WinXP), attached is a complete mini project.

A workaround is to set followSymlinks=true for the file set, that keeps the 
plain files alive in your special scenario. So it seems the issue originates 
somewhere from org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.util.FileSetManager in 

      was (Author: bentmann):
    I can reproduce this issue (on WinXP), attached is a complete mini project.

A workaround is to set followSymlinks=true for the file set, that keeps the 
plain files alive. So it seems the issue originates somewhere from 
org.apache.maven.shared.model.fileset.util.FileSetManager in 
> Maven clean plugin doesn't filter resources from exclude list
> -------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MCLEAN-29
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MCLEAN-29
>             Project: Maven 2.x Clean Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>            Reporter: Vladimir Sosnin
>         Attachments: clean-exclude.zip, dont-delete-excluded-file-test.patch, 
> dont-delete-excluded-file.patch
> For example you want to delete content of folder but want to keep folder 
> itself and it's SCM (e.g. SVN) information. Following configuration for 
> "maven-maven-clean" plugin deletes all plain files under ".svn" directory and 
> simply keeps empty subdirs. Thus, making update command impossible.
> <build>
> ...
>    <plugins>
>       <plugin>
>                               <artifactId>maven-clean-plugin</artifactId>
>                               <configuration>
>                                    <verbose>true</verbose>
>                                               <fileset>
> <directory>logic/src/test/generated/resources
>                                                       </directory>
>                                                       <excludes>
> <exclude>.svn/**/*</exclude>
>                                                       </excludes>
>                                                       <includes>
> <include>**/*</include>
>                                                       </includes>
> <followSymlinks>false</followSymlinks>
>                                               </fileset>
>                                       </filesets>
>                               </configuration>
>                       </plugin>
>        </plugins>
> </build>

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