
bentmann edited comment on MNG-3273 at 1/8/08 8:53 AM:

bq. (more can be found in the "Parameter Expressions" document)
Where is this "Parameter Expressions" document? Is 
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/MavenPropertiesGuide meant or 
something else? Whatever, either a hyperlink to the target document should be 
established or the phrase should be deleted (in case this document does not 
exist, no need to point users into nirvana).

Really off-topic: Is it be intention or by accident that this JIRA project does 
not allow formatting/markup in comments?

      was (Author: bentmann):
    bq. (more can be found in the "Parameter Expressions" document)
Where is this "Parameter Expressions" document? Is 
http://docs.codehaus.org/display/MAVENUSER/MavenPropertiesGuide meant or 
something else? Whatever, either a hyperlink to the target document should be 
established or the phrase should be deleted (in case this document does not 
exist, no need to point users into nirvana).

Really off-topic: Is it be intention or by accident that this project does not 
allow formatting/markup in comments?
> Point out known pitfalls when developing plugins
> ------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MNG-3273
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MNG-3273
>             Project: Maven 2
>          Issue Type: Improvement
>          Components: Documentation: Guides
>            Reporter: Benjamin Bentmann
>            Assignee: Vincent Siveton
>            Priority: Minor
>         Attachments: pitfalls-resource-bundles.patch, 
> pitfalls-resource-bundles.patch, pitfalls.patch, plugin-api-logger.patch
> Writing a simple Maven plugin is quite easy but getting it wrong is also 
> quite easy. I am just a novice but have so far noticed two subtle 
> anti-patterns that plugin developers should avoid. I would expect that the 
> Maven core team knows some more aspects about mojo programming that plugin 
> developers should be aware of to fight bugs right from the beginning. All 
> those pitfalls would fit nicely into [Plugin 
> Development|http://maven.apache.org/guides/plugin/guide-java-plugin-development.html].
> Some examples: It is a bad idea to code something like
> {code:java}
> public MyMojo {
>     private Log log = getLog();
>     public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
>         log.debug("...");
>     }
> }
> {code}
> Getting the logger this way will retrieve some default logger instead of the 
> logger that is injected into the mojo (by the plexus container?). This is 
> easily noticed by the different output styles of the log messages and the 
> fact that one gets [debug] message without having "-X" enabled.
> Not bad but rather dangerous is something like
> {code:java}
> public MyMojo {
>     /**
>      * This parameter will take a file path (file paths are 
> platform-dependent...)
>      * @parameter
>      */
>     private String outputDirectory;
>     public void execute() throws MojoExecutionException {
>         File outputDir = new File(outputDirectory).getAbsoluteFile();
>         outputDir.mkdirs();
>     }
> }
> {code}
> java.io.File resolves relative paths like "target/something" that users might 
> provide in the plugin configuration against the current directory which needs 
> not be the project base directory. Therefore, path parameters should be 
> declared of type java.io.File rather than simple strings as Maven seems to 
> automatically push in properly resolved paths into the mojo. If one really 
> needs the parameter to be of type String (i.e. to try resource lookup from 
> class path), the best practice to properly get an absolute path should be 
> documented.
> How to get a plugin ready for reactor builds might also be worth some warning 
> words. What does one need to know about aggregator-style execution, execution 
> project, forking ... ?
> A further improvement might be links to recommended libraries like 
> plexus-utils or plexus-components. This would point peoply to existing code 
> and prevent to error-prone reinvention of the wheel (only a few things on 
> earth are that simple that people get them reliably right...)

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