
Boris Maras updated MRELEASE-305:

    Attachment: generated child pom.xml.jpg

There should be a slash bewteen the tag name "TestRelease-1.2" and the module 
name "child"

> release:prepare forgets a slash when changing the <scm> urls
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MRELEASE-305
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MRELEASE-305
>             Project: Maven 2.x Release Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>    Affects Versions: 2.0-beta-7
>         Environment: Maven 2.0.8, JDK 1.6.0_01
>            Reporter: Boris Maras
>         Attachments: generated child pom.xml.jpg, TestRelease.zip
> In certain circumstances, the goal release:prepare incorrectly modifies the 
> pom.xml that is commited in the tag.
> This goal is supposed to change the URLs in the <scm> part of the pom.xml 
> files, to reflect the commited tag.
> For example, if you release a 1.2 version, it should replace 
> scm:svn:svn://ntmestest01/TESTSVN14/testrelease/trunk/child/ with 
> scm:svn:svn://ntmestest01/TESTSVN14/testrelease/tags/TestRelease-1.2/child
> In the attached test-case, you will see that the URL for the "child" module 
> is changed to 
> scm:svn:svn://ntmestest01/TESTSVN14/testrelease/tags/TestRelease-1.2child : a 
> slash is missing between the tag name, and the module name.
> To reproduce, you need to commit that files on a scm, and run "mvn 
> release:prepare". It will tag a version with this wrong URL for the child 
> module.
> It seems to occur only with modules (the URLs in the master-pom are correct). 
> It seems to occur ONLY if the master-pom scm url ends with a slash.
> So a workaround is simply to remove the last slash of the urls in the 
> master-pom (they can be left in the child pom). This way, the generated poms 
> are correct.
> I suppose there is a little bug in the string manipulation

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