
Arnaud Heritier updated MECLIPSE-128:

    Component/s: Dependencies resolution and build path

> Eclipse goal breaks manually-configured external builder
> --------------------------------------------------------
>                 Key: MECLIPSE-128
>                 URL: http://jira.codehaus.org/browse/MECLIPSE-128
>             Project: Maven 2.x Eclipse Plugin
>          Issue Type: Bug
>          Components: Dependencies resolution and build path
>    Affects Versions: 2.2
>         Environment: Windows, Eclipse 3.1.2
>            Reporter: Matt Tucker
> I'm attempting to specify an external build tool for a project in Eclipse 
> that does Maven dependency resolution.  I do this by:
> 1. in Eclipse going to Project->Properties->Builders
> 2. click New
> 3. select Program, click Ok
> 4. Specify
>    Location: ${env_var:MAVEN_HOME}/bin/mvn.bat
>    Working directory: ${project_loc}
>    Arguments: eclipse:eclipse
> 5. Switch to Refresh tab, specify:
>    [x] Refresh resources upon completion
>    [*] The project containing ...
> 6. Click Ok
> Specifying this build does two things within Eclipse.  It alters the .project 
> file and adds:
> <projectDescription>
> ...
>       <buildSpec>
>               <buildCommand>
> <name>org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ExternalToolBuilder</name>
>                       <triggers>auto,clean,incremental,</triggers>
>                       <arguments>
>                               <dictionary>
>                                       <key>LaunchConfigHandle</key>
> <value>&lt;project&gt;/.externalToolBuilders/Maven Builder.launch</value>
>                               </dictionary>
>                       </arguments>
>               </buildCommand>
> ...
>       </buildSpec>
> ...
> </projectDescription>
> And it creates a file .externalToolBuilders/<builder name>.launch, which 
> creates the bulk of the settings for the custom build task.
> However, when the eclipse goal is run, the Maven Eclipse plugin alters the 
> build command specification in .project to be:
>     <buildCommand>
>       <name>org.eclipse.ui.externaltools.ExternalToolBuilder</name>
>       <arguments/>
>     </buildCommand>
> It's completely throwing away the specified arguments to the buildCommand, 
> which causes Eclipse to not be able to find the custom build task details, 
> which causes any subsequent builds to fail.  The Maven Eclipse plugin needs 
> to preserve this information when it writes the .project file for, as far as 
> I can tell, any auto-building to be useful or even possible.

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