Allow additional source directories to be configured

                 Key: MSOURCES-25
             Project: Maven 2.x Source Plugin
          Issue Type: New Feature
    Affects Versions: 2.0.3
            Reporter: Benjamin Bentmann
            Priority: Minor

Currently, the plugin simply archives the compile source roots and resource 
directories that are known to the POM. However, there may exist further files 
which do not directly contribute to the build process but are nevertheless to 
be considered as "source" files.

For example, consider a project with the following directories:
- src/main/java
- src/main/javacc
- src/main/jflex
- src/main/uml

The directories "javacc" and "jflex" provide grammar definitions for generated 
java files while "uml" contains UML (or similar) models from which MDA tools 
create java files. I would consider it useful to package these "pre-source" 
files as well into the sources JAR.

Surely, the assembly-plugin would do the job but since it requires quite a 
complete build I consider this approach quite unattractive when I want to 
package up files that are already hanging around in the file system.

While adding more directory roots to the archive is in principle no big deal 
for the source-plugin, the major question would be how to nicely configure the 
plugin to do so. My spontaneous proposal would be an additional configuration 
parameter "sourceDirectories" of type File[] with the following semantic:
If not specified (as would be the case for all currently existing 
configurations), simply package compile source roots and resources from POM 
like it does now. If I understand mojo configuration correctly, the mojo 
parameter would be null in this case.
Otherwise (i.e. if POM configuration contains <sourceDirectories> element), 
ONLY those directories listed up here should be packaged. This would allow 
precise control what the plugin packages. For example, if one does not want to 
package resources, simply omit to list up their root directory. For my formerly 
mentioned example, one would need to write:
(BTW, not sure whether Plexus can actually handle the non-standard plural form 
ending with "ies").

Of course, things are not that simple... The above illustrated approach 
conflicts with the current solution for MSOURCES-22. Furthermore, the plugin is 
currently aware of includes/excludes for the resources being packaged. This 
cannot be realized by a simple configuration parameter of type File[], i.e. 
<sourceDirectory>src/main/resources</sourceDirectory> would not be equivalent 
to the default behavior, causing confusion. Therefore, one might need something 
like a SourceDirectory bean that holds the directory path and optional 
includes/excludes (similar to an Ant fileset).

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